Can You Hide a Post from Someone on Instagram?

With over 1.5 billion monthly active users, Instagram is a highly sought-after platform allowing users to share photos and videos and interact with other content.

Sometimes, one may need to keep their Instagram posts hidden from certain people to maintain privacy or prevent unwanted communication.

In this article, we’ll answer How to Hide Posts from Someone? And show you how to hide posts from someone, whether it’s a single post, a story, or your entire account.

We’ll also explain the difference between hiding, blocking, muting and restricting someone on Instagram and how each option affects your privacy and visibility on the platform.

Also see How to Make a Private Story on Instagram, How to Off Last Seen in Instagram and How to Go Live On Close Friends’ Instagram on our website.

Hiding posts from someone on Instagram

Unfortunately, there is no direct way to hide a single post from someone on Instagram.

Unlike Facebook, which allows you to customize the audience of each post, Instagram does not have such a feature.

Your posts are visible to everyone (if your account is public) or only to your approved followers (if your account is private).

However, there are some workarounds that you can use to hide a single post from someone on Instagram.

Here are some of them:

1. Delete the post

Can You Hide a Post from Someone on Instagram

The simplest answer to the question can you hide an Instagram post from one person? It is to delete it.

This will remove the post from your profile and anyone else’s feed.

However, this also means you will lose all the likes and comments you received on that post.

To delete a post, tap on the three dots icon at the top right corner of the post and select “Delete”.

2. Archive the post

Can You Hide a Post from Someone on Instagram

Another way to answer the question of How to Hide Posts from Someone is to archive it.

This will remove the post from your profile, and anyone else’s feed but not permanently delete it.

You can still access the archived post in a private section of your profile and restore it anytime you want.

To archive a post, tap on the three dots icon at the top right corner of the post and select “Archive”.

Hiding a story from someone on Instagram

Unlike posts, stories are ephemeral content that disappears after 24 hours.

However, sometimes you may want to hide your story from someone, either because you don’t want them to see what you’re doing or to avoid unwanted reactions or messages from them.

But can you do that on Instagram? And if so, how?

The good news is that there is a way to hide your story from someone on Instagram.

There are two ways: hiding your story from specific people or sharing your story only with close friends.

Hiding your story from specific people on Instagram

If you want to hide your story from specific people on Instagram, you can do so by following these steps:

1.      Access your Instagram profile by opening the app and clicking your account icon.

2.      Tap on the three lines icon at the top right corner of the screen and select “Settings”.

3.      Tap on “Privacy” and then on “Story”.

4.      Tap “Hide Story from” and select the people from whom you want to hide your story.

5.      You can also search for their usernames or scroll through your followers list.

6.      Tap on “Done” when you’re finished.

Once you do this, those people will no longer be able to see your story.

However, they can still see your profile and posts unless you block them or make your account private.

Sharing your story only with close friends on Instagram

If you want to share your story only with close friends on Instagram, you can do so by following these steps:

1.       Go to your Instagram profile.

2.       Tap on the three lines icon at the top right corner of the screen and select “Settings”.

3.       Tap on “Privacy” and then on “Story”.

4.       Tap on “Close Friends” and add the people that you want to share your story with. You can also search for their usernames or scroll through your followers list.

5.       Tap on “Done” when you’re finished.

Once you do this, those people will be added to your close friend’s list.

You can then share your story only with them by tapping on “Close Friends” instead of “Your Story” when posting a story.

Hiding your entire account from someone on Instagram

If you want to hide your entire account from someone on Instagram, meaning that they won’t be able to see any of your posts, stories, reels, IGTV videos, or live broadcasts, there are two ways to do that: blocking them or making your account private.

·        Blocking Someone on Instagram

If you want to block someone on Instagram, meaning that they won’t be able to find your account, see any of your content, or contact you in any way, you can do so by following these steps:

1.      Go to your Instagram profile.

2.      Tap on the three dots icon at the top right corner of their profile and select “Block”.

3.      Confirm that you want to block them by tapping “Block” again.

Once you do this, they will be blocked from accessing your account.

They won’t be notified that you blocked them, but they may notice it if they try to search for your username or visit your profile.

·        Making Your Account Private on Instagram

If you want to make your account private on Instagram, meaning that only people who follow you can see any of your content, and anyone else who wants to follow you has to send a request that you have to approve or decline, you can do so by following these steps:

1.      Go to your Instagram profile.

2.      Tap on the three lines icon at the top right corner of the screen and select “Settings”.

3.      Tap on “Privacy” and then on “Account Privacy”.

4.      Toggle on the switch next to “Private Account”.

Once you do this, your account will become private.

Anyone who is already following you will still be able to see any of your content, but anyone who is not following you will have to send a request that you have to approve or decline before they can see anything.

In a nutshell

Whether it’s a single post, a story, or your entire account that you want to hide from someone on Instagram, there are ways to do that using various features such as blocking, muting, restricting, archiving, editing, hiding stories from specific people or sharing stories only with close friends.

We tried to answer the question can you hide a post from someone on Instagram in this article.

This article helped you learn how to hide posts from someone using different methods.

Feel free to comment below if you have questions or feedback about this topic or anything related to Instagram marketing tips.

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