Can You Message Someone on Instagram Without Following Them?

Instagram has gained immense popularity among users worldwide. It is a photo and video-sharing platform that allows users to showcase their creativity, connect with friends and family, and even promote their businesses.

One of its features is Direct Messaging (DM), which allows users to send private messages to other users.

However, many users wonder if it is possible to message someone on Instagram without following them. Is it possible to bypass the requirement of following someone in order to send a message?

The answer to this question is “yes,” and in this essay of, we will explain how to do it.

Instagram’s Direct Messaging Feature

how to message someone on instagram without following them

The DM feature on Instagram is a great way to connect with other users in a private setting. When you click on the “paper airplane” icon at the top right corner of your Instagram home screen, you are taken to your direct messages, where you can send and receive messages.

However, in order to send a message to someone on Instagram, you must first follow them. If the person you want to message is not following you back, your message will be sent to their “Message Requests” folder.

They will receive a notification that they have received a message from someone they do not follow, and they can choose to accept or decline the message request.

Another thing to consider is that even if you message someone without following them, they may still choose to ignore your message or block you. Therefore, it is essential to be respectful and not send inappropriate or spam messages that may cause someone to report or block you.

Can You Message Someone Without Following Them?

can you message someone on Instagram without following them - Instagram message without following

Firstly, you need to understand that there are two types of accounts on Instagram: public and private. A public account is open for everyone to see, while a private account requires permission to follow.

If you want to message someone you don’t follow on Instagram, you need to check whether their account is public or private.

If the account is public, you can send them a message by searching for their profile and clicking the message icon beside their name.

Once you type in your message and hit send, the person will receive your message, regardless of whether you follow them or not.

Follow the steps below:

  1. Open the target’s Instagram profile.
Can You Message Someone On Instagram Without Following Them
  1. Click on the three dots icon at the top left of the screen.
Can You Message Someone On Instagram Without Following Them
  1. Select the “Send Message” option.
Can You Message Someone On Instagram Without Following Them
  1. Write your message.
Can You Message Someone On Instagram Without Following Them

However, if the account is private, you need to follow the person first to send them a message. Once the person approves your follow request, you can then send a direct message.

If you don’t want to follow the person, you can also send them a message through their Instagram story. When someone posts a story on Instagram, there is a “Send Message” option beneath it. This option allows you to send a message even if you don’t follow them.

Overall, it is possible to send a message to someone on Instagram without following them, but it depends on whether their account is public or private.

If you want to message someone with a private account, you need to follow them first. However, if the account is public, you can send a direct message or reply to their Instagram story.

Instagram provides various ways to connect with people, and whether you follow someone or not, you can still interact with them through direct messaging or other features.

Benefits of Instagram Direct Messaging

Instagram Direct Messaging has several benefits that make it a popular feature among users.

Firstly, it allows users to communicate with each other in a private setting. This is particularly useful for businesses that need to communicate with their customers privately.

Secondly, it allows users to connect with each other without having to share personal information such as phone numbers or email addresses. This helps to protect users’ privacy and keep them safe from unwanted messages.

SEE ALSO: How to Check Activity on Instagram

Instagram’s Security Measures

Instagram has several security measures in place to protect its users from cyber threats. One of these measures is the requirement of following someone before sending them a message.

 This helps to ensure that users are only receiving messages from people they are interested in hearing from. Additionally, Instagram has a message request feature that allows users to have control over who they are communicating with.

 If a user receives a message request from someone they do not know or do not want to communicate with, they can simply decline the request.

Moreover, Instagram’s policies strictly prohibit the use of the platform for spamming or sending unsolicited messages. Violators of this policy may face consequences, including account suspension or termination. Therefore, it is crucial for users to follow Instagram’s guidelines and use the platform responsibly.

How to Message Someone on Instagram Without Following Them on PC

One of its features is Direct Messaging (DM), which allows users to send private messages to other users. However, many users wonder if it is possible to message someone on Instagram without following them, especially on PC.

  • Using Instagram’s Web Version

While Instagram’s mobile app requires you to follow the user in order to send them a message, there is a way to message someone on Instagram without following them on PC. You can use Instagram’s web version to send a message to anyone, even if you are not following them. Here are the steps to follow:

  1. In your web browser go to
  2. Next, “Log in” to your account.
  3. Click on the “Direct” icon located on the top right corner of your screen. It looks like a paper airplane.
  4. On the next screen, click on the “New Message” button located on the top right corner of the screen.
  5. Type in the username of the person you want to message in the “To:” field. Note that you must type in their exact username, including any underscores or periods.
  6. Type your message in the “Message” section.
  7. Click on the “Send” button located on the right side of the message field. Your message will be sent to the recipient’s message request folder.


while Instagram’s mobile app requires you to follow the user in order to send them a message, there is a way to message someone on Instagram without following them on PC.

You can use Instagram’s web version to send a message to anyone, even if you are not following them.

However, it is essential to respect people’s privacy and not spam them with unwanted messages.

By following this rule and using Instagram’s security measures, users can help to ensure that Instagram remains a safe and enjoyable platform for everyone.

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