Hiding Hashtags On Instagram Stories in 2024 (All Tips & Steps)

Hashtags are an important part of any online conversation. They are used to categorize content, make it easier to find, and even help social media users join in on the conversation.

But what exactly are hashtags? And how to hide Instagram hashtags?

Hashtags are words or phrases preceded by a “#” symbol that serves as a way to label topics or conversations on social media platforms like Twitter and Instagram.

They allow people to search for and find related posts quickly and easily. By hiding hashtags, users can keep their posts clean and untidy and still use the advantages of hashtags to make their posts discoverable by Instagram’s algorithms.

This article is going to cover different ways of hiding hashtags on Instagram.

What are the rules for hashtags on Instagram?

What are the rules for hashtags on Instagram - Hiding Hashtags On Instagram

Every social media has its own rules for writing hashtags. Before discussing how to hide hashtags on Instagram, it’s better to learn the rules on Instagram to write our hashtags better.

+ 7 Important rules about using Instagram hashtags

  1. Up to 30 hashtags can be used in each Instagram post.
  2. There are numerous ways to post your hashtags in your content.
  3. Stories on Instagram can cover hashtags just like posts.
  4. Some Instagram hashtags are prohibited and do not have content streams.
  5. You can’t use any spaces in your hashtags; they must all be words together.
  6. Hashtags can contain numbers but no special characters.
  7. Hashtags are shown in feeds in chronological order.

The Benefits of Hiding Hashtags on Instagram & IGTV

If you think about how to hide hashtags on IGTV and Instagram and also want to use their benefits thoroughly, you should know something first.

Hashtags are an essential part of the Instagram and IGTV experience. They help people find content related to their interests, and they can also be used to promote a brand or product.

But when hashtags become too long or visible, they can be distracting. That’s why many brands hide their hashtags on Instagram and IGTV posts – so viewers can focus on the content, not the hashtags.

Hiding hashtags on Instagram has several benefits: it makes posts look more professional, reduces the risk of being flagged for spam, and helps users track which hashtags work best for them.

Keep reading, and you can get your answer about hiding hashtags on Instagram in the following section of this article.

4 Tips & Tricks to get your hashtags hidden in your caption

4 Tips & Tricks to get your hashtags hidden in your caption - Hiding Hashtags On Instagram

If you want to keep your post on Instagram clean and without any hashtags, you should use some tricks.

There are more than 4 hacks here to hide your hashtags in your Instagram post and story in the eyes of your audience but still keep it visible to the algorithms of Instagram:

1.    Line Breaks Before Your Hashtags

Writing an amazing caption can be annoying when Instagram removes the line breaks from your text.

Later app is an app to help with your captions. All you have to do in the Later app is to press the return key while writing your caption.

In this way, you will have spaced-out captions for your Instagram posts.

Now even with 30 hashtags, your post will be neat and clear. And when you post your photo, your hashtags will be hidden because Instagram will only reveal the first few lines of your caption.

Also, see “How to Add Line Breaks on Instagram?” and “How To Put Music On Instagram Story Without Sticker?” on our website.

2.    Hashtags in the First Comment

Although hashtag in your post is one of the best ways to boost engagement and get Instagram algorithms to show your posts to your audiences, many hashtags make your captions untidy and sometimes spammy in the worse situation.

There is one way to make your caption still amazing without compromising any of the engagement you can get with hashtags.

You can post your hashtags in the comments. This is the best way to keep your caption and IGTV videos clean out of hashtags and still use the power of hashtags.

You should take the following steps to schedule a first comment on Instagram with a later app:

  • Open up the post scheduler in Later. You can do this from anywhere — Later on a desktop, iOS, or Android.
  • You’ll see a text box called “First Comment.” Enter your hashtags or any text you’d rather have in the first comment.
  • Schedule your post as usual, and the first comment is scheduled along with it.

3.    Hiding hashtags in Instagram stories

Adding hashtags to stories makes them discoverable by Instagram algorithms. But they can also ruin the aesthetic of an Instagram story and make them look spammy if you post lots of them in each story.

One way you can hide your hashtags in Instagram stories is to pinch them to make them smaller but keep in mind that Instagram won’t register small hashtags at all.

Another way is placing a gif or sticker over the hashtags text to make them hidden perfectly.

In addition, the last way is changing the color of the hashtags text by selecting the color tool from the text option and choosing a color that perfectly matches your Instagram story background.

Through all these ways, your hashtag will be hidden from users’ eyes but still searchable.

4.    Instagram Dots Method & Hiding Hashtags

One of the common ways to hide Instagram hashtags is to use dots.

This way, a series of periods will be added between the end of the caption and hashtags list so that they’re hidden beneath the “More” button for your followers.

You must follow the following steps to put your Instagram hashtags in “more” sections.

First, type your caption, and after the punctuation at the end of your last sentence, make sure there are no spaces.

After hitting return on the new line, put one period and then hit return again till having enough Instagram dots between your caption and hashtag list to place your hashtags in the “more” section.

Last words

Hashtags are an important feature of Instagram. They make the post on Instagram discoverable by Instagram algorithms and categorize posts.

But using lots of hashtags in a post makes them untidy, unprofessional, and distracting especially using hashtags on IGTV videos.

In this article, we have tried to find solutions for hiding hashtags on Instagram cleanly and professionally so that audiences can’t see them but be searchable by the algorithms of Instagram.

Fortunately, there are various ways to hide hashtags in posts and stories on Instagram; you can choose the one that suits you best.

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