How To Make A Guide On Instagram? (Step-by-Step in 2024)

Most Internet surfers are familiar with social media these days; the primary aim of the Internet could be keeping people in touch and updating them.

None of the online application users can underestimate the online platforms’ role in their everyday lives. One of the most famous platforms mentioned is Instagram.

Many people are using this app for different goals, such as increasing business brand and growing the number of followers, which has become a significant matter for influencers.

Instagram app has announced its Guides feature to everyone and how to make it without difficulty.

To be more precise about Instagram facts, how to make a guide on Instagram can be beneficial.

So, we recommend you keep reading the “How to make a guide on Instagram in 2024?” essay and items related to this title.

Let’s go through the following topics.

What are Instagram Guides?

What are Instagram Guides

In recent years, Instagram guides have been a new feature that allows users to quickly discover and share tips and other content from businesses and specific brands.

  • Note 1: This new feature called “Instagram Guides” was available only to a group of creators, organizations or certain publishers, but from 2020, it’s available to all users.
  • Note 2: In fact, the Instagram guide is a content format, which is a combination of text and visual items.
  • Note 3: Instagram Guides are similar to blog posts that give more space to creators to share stories and everything related to posts through step-by-step instructions.
  • Note 4: By the way, all Instagram users would be able to find “Guides” on their profile and share them across stories and even direct messages.

As going to be discussed in the next topic of reading the “How to make a guide on Instagram in 2022?” essay, guides have three types that need to be mentioned.

How do I make a Guide on Instagram 2024?

First, remember that “Instagram Guides” can only be created in the Instagram app for Android and iPhone, which suggests places, products and posts in your profile.

To make a guide on Instagram, follow these steps:

  1. As the first step, go to your Instagram profile.
  2. In the second step, tap on the plus icon in the top right corner.
how to make a guide on Instagram
  1. After that, choose “Guide” from the options that appear.
  2. In this stage, select one of the items you require, posts, products or places.
how to make a guide on Instagram
  1. Now it is your turn to begin creating your guide by adding titles, photos, etc.
  2. Then tap the “Next” item as soon as you finish.
how to make a guide on Instagram
  1. At last, select the “Share” item.

Note that once you publish your “Instagram Guide”, your followers will be aware while you post it in your account to evaluate your brand professionally.

(+3) common types of guides on Instagram

The Instagram application offers three “Guides” types that enable you to create yours.

As soon as you decide to group your content, promote your products, or anything else, these are the types of “Instagram Guides” you can choose from as follows:

1. Instagram Post Guides

This type of guide on Instagram allows you to look after your posts. You can use them to introduce the people behind your brand and share content from creators.

The most significant point related to this item is that when creating “Instagram Post Guides”, you must choose from your saved posts.

2. Instagram Product Guides

The “Instagram Product Guides” feature could highlight your products or products from a brand. This kind of guide is perfect for product releases and product-related recommendations.

3. Instagram Place Guides

Try to use “Instagram Place Guides” to mention specific locations essential to your community.

“Instagram Place Guides” are ideal for sharing content captured by any audience.

So, read the following topic and learn how to make a guide on Instagram in 2024.

See also: Make Instagram profile attractive

(+6) Benefits of Using Instagram Guides

Adding “Instagram Guides” to your marketing strategy lets you realize how easy and quick it can be.

Here are a few advantages that it could cause as soon as you start using it:

Boost Brand Loyalty

When you make guides on Instagram, it gives your audience valuable content. As an “Instagram Guide” is sharing your brand to promote it, it would work to make an effect on your followers and build brand loyalty.

Keep users engaged

If you’re a business owner and many followers visit your profile daily, instead of seeing your post on their feed, a guide can assist them in learning more about your brand and new products.

Also, getting information from the guide you’ve created is better than clicking to engage or make purchases directly.

The advantage of keywords

By using this item, you’ll have this opportunity to include relevant keywords in your guides, which increases your chances of showing up in Instagram searches.

Collaborate with Influencers

To collaborate with your influencers, “Instagram Guides” could be a significant feature, which helps you to promote your products and share your content easily.

More chances of Making a sale

If you are a person who cares about e-commerce businesses and local shops, “Instagram Guides” is the solution. This would increase your chances of making a sale.

Bring Awareness to Causes You Care About

Using “Instagram Guides” indicates how much you care about your businesses, particularly business highlights.

As all of you become aware of the benefits this item could bring, let’s find out how it can be created according to what is argued in the next topic of the “How to make a guide on Instagram in 2022?” essay.


According to whatever is discussed in all the topics related to “How to make a guide on Instagram?”, you can utilize this feature in many ways, which has a wide range of benefits not only for business owners and also influencers but also for all ordinary users.

While you attempt to use “Instagram Guides”, you’ll be able to provide your audience with additional information on a topic you enjoy.

As soon as you post your created Instagram guide, all your followers can see it in your profile.

So, be careful about what you’re adding to your posts, such as catchy titles and descriptions, to keep them around for the entire guide.

As usual, please share your own experiences related to the “How to make a guide on Instagram?” article.

We’ll be pleased to read about them in the comment bar below.

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